Notes: | Norcal permits one timeout per game for each team.
At the intermission between 2nd and 3rd period, note how many minutes remain in the scheduled ice slot. Divide in half and round down to the nearest minute. The clock for the third period should be set to that value, or the regular length of a period in that game, whichever is smaller.
If at any time following a stoppage of play during the third period, the amount of time remaining prior to curfew is less than the time on the clock, the referee shall direct the timekeeper to place the number of minutes remaining for the slot on the clock and go to running time.
If the game is late starting, note the start time on the scoresheet, the reason, and if the rink permits, adjust the ending time.
Always inform both teams' coaches of any changes to period lengths or ice slot times.
Blue pucks are required in Mite games, recommended but not required in Squirt games.
Pre-Game Responsibilities:
- Verify that head coaches have signed the rosters, with their coach's card numbers
- Verify that the rosters are filled out, with player numbers
- Count players during warmup, ensure the roster matches. If it doesn't, ask why.
- Player signatures on rosters are not required.
- A player serving a suspension should be listed on the roster, with "suspension" under the name and in the notes section.
- All players must line up in NUMERICAL ORDER before the start of the game. This should be done at the conclusion of warm-ups.
- Officials are to verify that players listed on the scoresheet are in attendance. If a player is absent, or not listed, identify the discrepancy to the head coach, and make the appropriate adjustment to the roster.
- When the player is absent, determine if the player is expected to appear. If not, delete the name. If the player will be arriving, note this on the scoresheet and revisit at the end of the 1st period. If still not in attendance at that time, delete the player from the scoresheet.
- To promote efficiency, it is recommended that this activity be conducted by the referee in a game with 3 officials. When there are only 2 officials, each official should handle a team.